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The Jackson River Bridge
Alone on a bridge staring into the dark water of the Jackson River...
He was not born Noah Waters, but constant rejection often has a way of encouraging one to walk away from everything they have known while giving birth to the person they are meant to be. This is Noah's story...

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Elliott light
Grew up outside Washington, D.C. in McLean, Virginia before the beltway encircled the capital city, before farms were turned into housing developments, and before open fields became mega-malls.
Light attended both engineering and law school (apparently, unable to make up his mind). He spent three decades practicing law, including environmental, energy, contract, telecommunications, and patent law. (Do you see a pattern here?) But he yearned to be a teller of stories that both entertain and enlighten and in 2002, his first book, LONESOME SONG was published. CHAIN THINKING (2003), THE GENE POLICE (2018), THROWAWAYS (2020) and THE JACKSON RIVER BRIDGE (2023) followed. THE LAST RIGHTS (more about that later!), scheduled for publication in late 2025, will be his sixth published novel. Light enjoys trying Asian-inspired recipes, experimenting with his air fryer (you don't need one but it really is fun), reading about new energy technologies (super-hot geothermal looks promising). When he's not traveling with his spouse, Sonya, or not writing, he is a dedicated servant to their cat, Feste.
Author photo by John F. Morgan, John Morgan Photography,
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Nothing yet but I'm working on it.